We want to know the nitty gritty details.

FitBody Studio’s health assessment forms help us assess your massage, fitness and nutrition levels so we can develop an individualized program just for you, and establish a starting point from which to set attainable goals and results. Below are links to the mandatory forms for all first time clients. Simply click on the link for your service, print and fill out the document and bring it to your scheduled appointment.

Massage History Form

Health History Forms are required by the state of Colorado before a massage treatment can begin. Completing the forms ahead of time and arriving on time ensures you will receive your full treatment length.

Fitness Assessment Form

This form helps assess your fitness level to develop an individualized fitness program based on age, gender, experience and ability, and establishes a starting point from which to set attainable fitness goals.

Nutrition Interview Questionnaire

This form helps your Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) evaluate how the whole body is functioning based on your current symptoms. This info is used to create a program to improve health at the foundation.

Nutrition Disclaimer

This document must be read carefully, signed and dated before beginning Nutritional Therapy with your Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.

Healing Therapy Consent Form

Consent to use the infrared sauna, Grounding Therapy or Red light is conditional upon provision of answering & signing agreement.

Need to submit for a membership freeze? No problem! You can email us.

Complete the form below and we'll get back with you very soon.

Personal Training Agreement Form

This form details the agreement between trainer and client to best meet needs.